Demonstrative Pronouns


Bu en. this (close to you)
Şu en. that (far from you)
O en. that (further from you)
Burada en. here; sp. aquí, (acá)
Şurada en. there; sp. ahí
Orada en. over there; sp. allí, (allá)
Ne? en. What
Nerede? en. Where
Ne zaman? en. When
Ne kadar? en. How much
Nasıl? en. How
Neden? en. Why
Hangi? en. Which
Ne var orada? en. What is it there?
Nerede o kitap? en. Where is that book?
Ne zaman oldu? en. When it happen?
Ne kadar çay? en. How much tea?
Nasıl oldu? en. How it happened?
Neden oldu? en. Why it happened?
Hangi kalem? en. Which pencil?


Kitap en. book
Çay en. tea
Kalem en. pencil/pen